The Pug Automatic

Passing arguments to osascript in Raycast script commands

Written February 23, 2023. Tagged AppleScript, Shell scripting, Raycast.

I'm writing commands for the Raycast launcher.

It took me a while to figure out how to robustly pass arguments to AppleScript/osascript in Raycast script commands. This is how:


# @raycast.schemaVersion 1
# @raycast.title Say something
# @raycast.mode silent
# @raycast.argument1 { "type": "text", "placeholder": "something to say" }

osascript - "$1" <<END
on run argv
set arg to (item 1 of argv)
say arg

We're passing the shell argument $1 into osascript, where it in turn becomes the first argv argument.

If we had just interpolated $1 directly into the AppleScript like say "$1", we would effectively run an injection attack on ourselves. It would work for simple input like "hello" but would break on input like 'hello "world"'.


I've since realised you can write AppleScript directly:

#!/usr/bin/env osascript

# …

on run argv
set arg to (item 1 of argv)
say arg

I'll let the post stand – it is still useful for doing bits of AppleScript inside a shell script.