The Pug Automatic

Pattern-matching complex strings

Written January 8, 2016. Tagged Elixir.

We can pattern-match Elixir strings like any other binaries, with <> for concatenation and <<…>> to specify bit patterns:

defmodule Example do
def run_command("say:" <> <<digit::bytes-size(1)>> <> ":" <> thing) do
count = String.to_integer(digit)
String.duplicate(thing, count)
def run_command("say:" <> thing), do: thing

# => "hi"
# => "hihihi"

There is a major limitation, though: every part of a binary pattern must have a fixed width, except (optionally) the last one.

So for more complex patterns, things get tricky. What if there is more than one digit in the count, for example?

If we try to violate this fixed-width rule, Elixir will tell us off:

"say:" <> number <> ":" <> thing = "say:123:hi"
# ** (CompileError) a binary field without size is only allowed at the end of a binary pattern

If there is a limited range of lengths, adding more patterns could be fine:

def run_command("say:" <> <<number::bytes-size(1)>> <> ":" <> thing), do: #…
def run_command("say:" <> <<number::bytes-size(2)>> <> ":" <> thing), do: #…

But if the number can be any length, this won't work.

We could give up on function-argument pattern matching and stick some logic inside a single function:

def run_command("say:" <> stuff) do
case String.split(stuff, ":") do
[number, thing] -> # …
[thing] -> # …

This is a workable solution, but it's not quite the beautiful Elixir we know.

We can do better. What if we slice and dice the string, and then dispatch to function-argument pattern matching?

def run_command(command) do
do_run_command String.split(command, ":")

defp do_run_command(["say", number, thing]) do
count = String.to_integer(number)
String.duplicate(thing, count)
defp do_run_command(["say", thing]), do: thing

That's more like it. And we can keep dispatching to other functions, to unlock more pattern-matching power:

defp do_run_command(["say", number, thing]) do
count = String.to_integer(number)
say(thing, count)

defp say(thing, count) when count < 100, do: String.duplicate(thing, count)
defp say(thing, _count) do: say(thing, 99) <> " etc"

It doesn't have to be lists, either. We can get regular expression matches as dictionaries, for example:

def run_command(command) do
regex = ~r/say:(?<number>\d+):(?<thing>.+)/
captures = Regex.named_captures(regex, command)

defp do_run_command(%{"number" => number, "thing" => thing}), do: #…

These examples are increasingly contrived, but hopefully the idea comes across.