Written January 5, 2016. Tagged Elixir.
On the surface, Elixir string interpolation looks identical to what we know from Ruby:
"Hello #{:world}"
# => "Hello world"
"Hello #{:world}"
# => "Hello world"
But the similarities soon break down:
"Hello #{[:a, :b]}"
# => "Hello [:a, :b]"
"Hello #{ArgumentError.new}"
# => "Hello ArgumentError"
"Hello #{[:a, :b]}"
** (ArgumentError) cannot convert list to string. The list must contain only integers, strings or nested such lists; got: [:a, :b]
"Hello #{ %ArgumentError{message: "hi"} }"
** (Protocol.UndefinedError) protocol String.Chars not implemented for %ArgumentError{message: "hi"}
What's going on? It's a difference in philosophy.
In Ruby, string interpolation implicitly calls the #to_s
method (with no arguments) on the value. So these are equivalent:
"Hello #{:world}"
"Hello " + :world.to_s
The #to_s
convention in Ruby is very inclusive. Almost everything in Ruby implements it. Either a class comes with its own implementation that provides a somewhat meaningful string representation (such as Time#to_s
giving values like "2016-01-05 18:20:41 +0100"
), or it inherits Object#to_s
with a less meaningful representation (like "#<Object:0x007feee284e648>"
Only BasicObject
and its descendants may be missing a #to_s
"Hello #{BasicObject.new}"
NoMethodError: undefined method `to_s' for #<BasicObject:0x007feee2049b00>
There is some interesting nuance to Ruby's #to_s
, #to_str
and Kernel#String
, and similar coercion methods for other types. If you're interested, you can read all about it in Avdi Grimm's Confident Ruby, or research it online.
protocolIn Elixir, string interpolation calls the Kernel.to_string/1
macro, which evokes the String.Chars
By default, it handles strings, atoms (including nil
, true
, false
and module name aliases like String
– which are all just atoms behind the scenes), integers, floats, and some lists. That's it.
So, quite intentionally, Elixir will not implicitly convert just anything to a string.
This is the philosophical difference. For anything that doesn't have an obviously meaningful string representation, Elixir wants you to be explicit.
This is why we couldn't just interpolate the ArgumentError
struct above, or any other struct, or indeed tuples or maps.
So how can I interpolate my tuple, map, struct, or some lists?
protocolThe simplest thing is to use Kernel.inspect/2
"Hello #{inspect {:a, :b}}"
# => "Hello {:a, :b}"
It behaves quite like #inspect
in Ruby – even to the extent that any representation that can't be evaluated as code starts with a #
[:a, :b].inspect
# => "[:a, :b]"
lambda {}.inspect
# => "#<Proc:0x007fb94a8c94b0@(irb):1 (lambda)>"
inspect({:a, :b})
# => "{:a, :b}"
inspect(fn -> :x end)
# => "#Function<20.54118792/0 in :erl_eval.expr/5>"
Unlike String.Chars
(but a bit like #to_s
in Ruby), this protocol is configured to allow any input, and makes an effort to handle anything you throw at it.
protocolIf we want to get fancy, we could implement the String.Chars
protocol for one of our structs. This lets us use plain interpolation (without explicitly calling a function like inspect
), and it also lets us control the string representation.
It's quite simple:
defmodule User do
defstruct [:name]
defimpl String.Chars, for: User do
def to_string(user), do: "User #{user.name}"
defmodule Run do
def run do
IO.puts "Hello #{ %User{name: "José"} }"
# => "Hello User José"
Oh, and I mentioned that String.Chars
handles "some lists".
"Hello #{[119, 111, 114, 108, 100]}"
# => "Hello [119, 111, 114, 108, 100]"
"Hello #{[119, 111, 114, 108, 100]}"
# => "Hello world"
These are the delightful char data lists – representing a string as a list of strings, integer codepoints or other such lists.
The String.Chars
implementation for lists will call List.to_string/1
, which mostly consists of calling through to :unicode.characters_to_binary/1
. And IO.chardata_to_string/1
, when given a list, calls through to that very same Erlang function.