Written September 3, 2008. Tagged Shell scripting, Rack.
When you visit /page?format=foo
(and sometimes /page.foo
, depending on the routes) in a Ruby on Rails app, Rails will try to render the action in that format - that is, using the page.foo.erb
If you use the
respond_to do |wants|
wants.html { … }
wants.xml { … }
syntax, requesting an invalid format gives you an empty "406 Not Acceptable" response.
Actions that do not use this syntax, though, will cause an ActionController::MissingTemplate
exception – which the user sees as an unsightly "500 Internal Server Error".
That means actions that render implicitly like
def page
@page = Page.find(:first)
as well as explicitly like
def page
@page = Page.find(:first)
render :layout => 'example'
I don't want to show the 500 page unless necessary. In this case, a 404 page makes some sense; you could also argue for using a 406 error (for consistency with respond_to
, if nothing else).
I added this to my ApplicationController
# With +respond_to do |format|+, "406 Not Acceptable" is sent on invalid format.
# With a regular render (implicit or explicit), this exception is raised instead.
# Log it to Exception Logger, but show users a 404 page instead of error 500.
rescue_from(ActionController::MissingTemplate) do |e|
request.format = :html
The log_exception(e)
line should obviously be changed or removed if you don't use Exception Logger, or don't want the errors logged.
was described in an earlier blog post. If you prefer an empty error 406, a simple
should do it.
Note that none of this affects the 406 error when passing an invalid format to a respond_to