Written April 14, 2007. Tagged Ruby, LiveJournal.
I've been wanting to make some old, silly LiveJournal entries private (so that only I can read them) for some time.
There were 60 or so entries, and LiveJournal does not seem to provide batch editing. I've tried using some Perl stuff I found for the purpose, but I couldn't get it working. Today, I resolved to write my own Ruby script for it.
Turns out there is a LiveJournal Ruby module which saved me a lot of work. The API is not very pleasant, but perhaps that reflects the underlying LiveJournal API.
Anyway, this is a script to make all your posts before a certain date private. Modify to taste; at the very least, change the name and password, unless they happen to be "foo" and "bar"…
Script (download):
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# By Henrik Nyh 2007-04-14.
# Free to modify and redistribute with due credit.
USERNAME = 'foo'
PASSWORD = 'bar'
MAKE_PRIVATE_BEFORE = Time.mktime(2004, 04, 01) # year, month, day
require 'rubygems'
require 'livejournal/login'
require 'livejournal/entry'
puts "Logging in..."
user = LiveJournal::User.new(USERNAME, PASSWORD)
login = LiveJournal::Request::Login.new(user)
puts "Login response:"
puts "Getting entries..."
entries = LiveJournal::Request::GetEvents.new(user, :recent => -1).run.values
entries = entries.sort_by { |e| e.time }
puts "Processing entries..."
entries.each do |e|
puts "#{e.time} #{e.subject}"
if e.time < MAKE_PRIVATE_BEFORE and e.security != :private
puts "\tMaking private..."
e.security = :private
LiveJournal::Request::EditEvent.new(user, e).run
puts "\tSecurity: #{s = e.security; s == :private ? s.to_s.upcase : s}"
puts "All done."