The Pug Automatic

Importing legacy data into Core Data with the find-or-create (or delete) pattern

Written January 18, 2007. Tagged OS X, Cocoa.

I'm currently playing with Objective-C/Cocoa, writing an improved (and GUI'd up) version of iCalTV.

I'm learning a great deal. Core Data, the modelling/persistence framework, is interesting and daunting.

The Core Data Programming Guide has a chapter on Efficiently Importing Legacy Data.

That chapter gives examples on implementing the "find-or-create" pattern – when you want to compare some fresh data (e.g. recently downloaded TV channel lists) with stored Core Data (e.g. channel entity objects) and (efficiently) add whatever items weren't in Core Data already, and only update those that already were.

Apple's sample code ends after creating a list of identifiers for the new items, and a list of the old items.

I filled in the blanks, and modified the code to "find (and update)-or-create-or-remove". That is: if the identifier is already represented in Core Data, update some of its attributes (but maintain the identifier and relations); if the identifier is not represented, create a new object; if there are identifiers in Core Data that are not represented among the new items, remove those objects.

I also generalized it into a method on NSManagedObjectContext (using a category), so that I can use it both when importing channels and when importing programs, without duplicate code.

Hopefully this is of use to someone else.

The usage is simply

NSError *error;
[myManagedObjectContext updateEntity: @"Channel"
fromDictionary: channelsToImport
withIdentifier: @"identifier"
overwriting: [NSArray arrayWithObject:@"baseURL"]
andError: &error];

where channelsToImport is a dictionary with the identifiers as keys, and dictionaries as values. Those nested dictionaries have attribute names as keys and attribute values as values. So, in pseudo-code (actually Ruby ;p):

{"channel.123" => {"displayName" => "Some Channel", "baseURL" => ""}}

If the identifier is not already represented in Core Data, those are the attributes (along with the identifier) that will be written. The overwriting: argument is an array of strings, enumerating the attributes that will be updated from the dictionary if the identifier is already represented in Core Data.

Identifiers are assumed to be strings. The error variable will be populated with any errors that occur when fetching the entities.

I did not add support for passing a predicate to limit the entities you want, since I will always want to compare to the full set of channels, but it could be easily done, and I may do so later, if the need arises.

The code (download, don't forget to #import the file):

@interface NSManagedObjectContext (UpdateEntity)
- (void)updateEntity:(NSString *)entity fromDictionary:(NSDictionary *)importDict withIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier overwriting:(NSArray *)overwritables andError:(NSError **)error;

@implementation NSManagedObjectContext (UpdateEntity)

Expects an import dictionary like
{"" => {"displayName" => "Some Channel", "baseURL" => ""}}.

- (void)updateEntity:(NSString *)entity fromDictionary:(NSDictionary *)importDict withIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier overwriting:(NSArray *)overwritables andError:(NSError **)error {

// Get the sorted import identifiers
NSArray *identifiersToImport = [[importDict allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)];

// Get the entities as managed objects
NSFetchRequest *fetchRequest = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init];
[fetchRequest setEntity:[NSEntityDescription entityForName:entity inManagedObjectContext:self]];
[fetchRequest setSortDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[[[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:identifier ascending:YES] autorelease]]];

NSArray *managedObjects = [self executeFetchRequest:fetchRequest error:error];
[fetchRequest release];

// Compare import identifiers with managed object identifiers

NSEnumerator* importIterator = [identifiersToImport objectEnumerator];
NSEnumerator* objectIterator = [managedObjects objectEnumerator];
NSString *thisImportIdentifier = [importIterator nextObject];
NSManagedObject *thisObject = [objectIterator nextObject];

// Loop through both lists, comparing identifiers, until both are empty
while (thisImportIdentifier || thisObject) {

// Compare identifiers
NSComparisonResult comparison;
if (!thisImportIdentifier) { // If the import list has run out, the import identifier sorts last (i.e. remove remaining objects)
comparison = NSOrderedDescending;
} else if (!thisObject) { // If managed object list has run out, the import identifier sorts first (i.e. add remaining objects)
comparison = NSOrderedAscending;
} else { // If neither list has run out, compare with the object
comparison = [thisImportIdentifier compare:[thisObject valueForKey:identifier]];

if (comparison == NSOrderedSame) { // Identifiers match

if (overwritables) { // Merge the allowed non-identifier properties, if not nil
NSDictionary *importAttributes = [importDict objectForKey:thisImportIdentifier];
NSDictionary *overwriteAttributes = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:[importAttributes objectsForKeys:overwritables notFoundMarker:@""] forKeys:overwritables];

[thisObject setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:overwriteAttributes];

// Move ahead in both lists
thisObject = [objectIterator nextObject];
thisImportIdentifier = [importIterator nextObject];

} else if (comparison == NSOrderedAscending) { // Imported item sorts before stored item

// The imported item is previously unseen - add it and move ahead to the next import identifier

NSManagedObject *newObject = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:entity inManagedObjectContext:self];
[newObject setValue:thisImportIdentifier forKey:identifier];
[newObject setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:[importDict objectForKey:thisImportIdentifier]];
thisImportIdentifier = [importIterator nextObject];

} else { // Imported item sorts after stored item

// The stored item is not among those imported, and should be removed, then move ahead to the next stored item

[self deleteObject:thisObject];
thisObject = [objectIterator nextObject];

